Friday, February 20, 2009

Forced to Grow

The following is a Poem I had to write for school. You see, my teacher anounced 35 minutes before the end of class that we were to write a Poem. Not just any old poem but one about that defining moment in our lives. That time and moment that made us what we are. It was to be 14 lines at minimum and those 35 minutes were all we got. 
Immediately we all go "WHAT?!?" For one, thirty five minutes is NOT enough time to think about that defining moment, let alone write it into a poem. 
The following is my poem. Now you all must understand that it's not completely fact. I took creative license to write it as I so chose. The first five or six lines were a result of my frustration with the assignment. After that I just let the creative juices pour into the pen and onto my paper. 

Forced to Grow

A place, 
A single time,
a simple moment,
but not a place.
Definining her life,
Not a trace.
Sweet young child,
A loss of innocence.
Abusive Minds,
Evil whits.
trembling and terrified,
left there alone,
bruised, and scarred
none to call home. 
Growing up,
not a hand.
A Stronger woman,
no need for a man.
                                    This written works are the  property and the ideas of  Rebekah Robertson

Now before anyone freaks out, remember I took creative license. True this was based off of a single idea. A series of moments that did change and define who I have become today. However, a good amount of it is fluff, added to continue the poems flow and to keep the interest of the reader. Appealing to the reader's own thoughts and emotions. 

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